




I have died everyday waiting for

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you

For a thous


曲名: A Thousand Years    演唱:Christina Perri

Heart beats fast(心跳難)

Colors and promises(面對羞澀和承諾)

How to be brave(如何才能變得勇敢)

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall(當我害怕深陷愛情 我該怎麼辦)

But watching you stand alone(但是看著你獨自佇立)

All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow(不知為何 我的疑雲突然消失不見)

One step closer(再靠近一步)

  I have died everyday waiting for you  (我每天都在為你傻傻等待)

  Darling don't be afraid I have loved you (親愛的不要擔心我愛過你)
  For a thousand years  (愛過你一千年)

  I'll love you for a thousand more  (我還會再愛你一千年)

  Time stands still  (時光靜止)
  Beauty in all she is(她的芳華未改)

  I will be brave(我會變得勇敢)
  I will not let anything take away (我不會讓任何人帶走我眼前的一切)
  What's standing in front of me(我擁有的所有)
  Every breath (每一次呼吸)
  Every hour has come to this (每一小時都是為瞭如此)
  One step closer (再靠近一步)
  I have died everyday waiting for you  (我每天都在為你傻傻等待)

  Darling don't be afraid I have loved you(親愛的不要擔心我愛過你)
  For a thousand years (愛過你一千年)
  I'll love you for a thousand more(我還會再愛你一千年)
  And all along I believed I would find you(一直以來我相信我會找到你)
  Time has brought your heart to me(時光把你的心交給了我)
  I have loved you for a thousand years (我已經愛你一千年)
  I love you for a thousand more (我還會再愛你一千年)
  One step closer(再靠近一步)
  One step closer(再靠近一步)
  I have died everyday waiting for you(我每天都在為你傻傻等待)
  Darling don't be afraid I have loved you  (親愛的不要擔心我愛過你)

  For a thousand years (愛過你一千年)
  I'll love you for a thousand more(我還會再愛你一千年)
  And all along I believed I would find you(一直以來我相信我會找到你)
  Time has brought your heart to me(時光把你的心交給了我)
  I have loved you for a thousand years(我已經愛你一千年)
  I love you for a thousand more (我還會再愛你一千年)

    創作者 L.T@隨性 的頭像


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